EHFG 2024 session: Co-creating an EHFG community mission letter
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 16:15-17:45
A European Health Union was established after the pandemic had opened a new era for health in Europe and many ambitious initiatives were made possible – from vaccine procurement to safeguarding health at European borders to protect health and well-being of citizens in Europe. Continuous efforts towards a European Health Union have been pursued ever since, and the recent Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union set a clear message by placing the European Health Union strongly on its agenda.
This session served as an opportunity for the European health community to come together, collect, and discuss topical health priorities for the upcoming European Commission and European Parliament.

The European Health Union 2024 and beyond
At a recent event, co-oragnised by the European Health Union initiative and the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), under the auspices of the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, and the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU, participants discussed their long-term visions and wishes for the future of the European Health Union.
We are pleased to present the outcomes of this event, which will contribute to discussions in a consultation session on the European Health Union at the EHFG 2024.
Roundtable event with Danish stakeholders on Well-being Economy
Friday 17 November, 2023 | 09:00-12:00 | Copenhagen, Denmark
The round table meeting on a Well-being Economy in Denmark convened a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss and strategise on fostering a holistic and sustainable approach to economic development in Denmark, Europe, and globally. The meeting aimed to explore both the innovative policies and initiatives that could lead to stronger overall well-being of the Danish population while ensuring environmental sustainability; but also come closer to insights about the challenges that block current political/strategic progress.

Health workforce in the age of AI
Exploring future healthcare
Tuesday, 26 September 2023 | 16:30-17:45
The past year has seen exponential growth in artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as Chat GPT, opening new paths to explore unrealised technological solutions for dated health systems. Yet, as we discuss the opportunities and benefits of AI, we must also consider the potential threats and pitfalls of such tools.
When reviewing the status quo of insufficiently financed and under-resourced European health systems, it becomes obvious that innovative and effective solutions are needed, not least to improve the current situation of the health workforce. But are healthcare systems and workers even ready and equipped for a new era of transformation? How will AI reshape the roles and responsibilities of understaffed and fatigued healthcare professionals – and will it prove to be a friend or foe, or a combination of both?
This session discussed the promise of AI tools to help provide safe and resource-efficient care, whilst also contributing to better working conditions for healthcare professionals.

EHUi at the European Health Forum Gastein 2023
26 – 29 September, 2023 | Bad Hofgastein, Austria & online
At the hybrid EHFG 2023, decision-makers, experts, and community members from the public and private sector, civil society, and science and academia came together to discuss how we can ride out the current shockwaves and co-create long-term sustainable solutions that support health and well-being.
The EHUi was strongly represented at the EHFG 2023, contributing actively to discussions on the establishment of a true European Health Union and key priority topics to address in the coming years. The conference kicked-off with a session titled “Health Workforce in the Age of AI – Exploring Future Healthcare,” organised by the EHUi.
Further EHU activities at the EHFG 2023 to strengthen the call for
a true European Health Union:

EHUi Stand
Harvesting the benefits of a true European Health Union

EHUi Stakeholder meeting
Strengthening the call for a European Health Union: Consolidated health asks beyond 2024

With EHU Champions, initiators, and European stakeholders
Podcast: European Health Union Now!
- Learn more about the core topics of European Health Union.
- Explore European health policies.
- Get familiar with various key stakeholders in the field of health.

Webinar series: Towards a European Health Union
Our EHUi webinar series brought together stakeholders in health to discuss topics such as joint purchasing, the European Reference Networks, health system resilience, and much more!

EHUi at the European Health Forum Gastein 2022
26 – 29 September, 2022 | Bad Hofgastein, Austria & online
At a watershed moment for health, the EHFG 2022 set out to discuss the urgent challenges and policy solutions needed for unified action across sectors, borders, and disciplines. Guided by the theme “A moonshot for a true European Health Union – if not now, when?”, the EHFG urged we leave “business as usual” firmly in the past in order to build a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable future for all. Participants agreed this to be the window of opportunity to co-create a true European Health Union, requiring a fundamental transformation of the way our societies operate – and this can only be achieved through peace in Europe, supported by political will, collaboration, and unity.
The EHUi were honoured to co-organise a plenary which brought together prominent health actors to examine how a true European Health Union can offer solutions to the challenges that the continent is currently confronted with.
In the framework of the conference, the EHUi, together with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and the EHFG, also published an issue of the Eurohealth journal which focussed on the opportunity to co-create a true European Health Union.